put together a final
batch of features
for you all. There
is a review of the
awful Scary Movie,
read it just so you
have a reason not
to go see the film.
Then the Amiga series
continues with a look
at one of its finest
games - Worms: The
Director's Cut. Whether
the series continues
or not I am unsure
- I've still to look
at Sensible World
Of Soccer and WinUAE,
as well as bringing
you all up to date
on Amiga's current
happenings. Whether
I get the time to
complete the series
between now and Christmas
I doubt very much
- however I will attempt
to do so.
we have a couple of
short stories - Instantaneous
Conclusions and Within
Perfection's Grasp.
Neither are as accomplished
as Beginnings and
Ends but I hope you
find them enjoyable.
I am still working
on my new story, which
is quickly becoming
a novella - you will
get to read it at
some point, probably
early next year.
been a month since
WM.V2 launched and
I think I've covered
a lot of ground here
in the features section,
unfortunately I just
won't be able to update
in the near future.
In four days I leave
for Uni, between now
and then I'll be concentrating
on packing and saying
goodbye to everyone
who is still around
my home town (then
again most people
have buggered off
by now).
enjoyed the past year
at Wormsmart, when
I first came on board
I never thought that
I year down the line
we would be doing
all this. I hope that
I've added something
to the site, maybe
I have, maybe I haven't
that isn't really
for me to decide.
I've made a couple
good net friends in
Mr Flump and Edward
- we may not agree
on everything but
in general we get
on extremely well.
site couldn't be in
better hands, I trust
that they both will
move the site forward
from here and that
when I return we will
be in a better position
than ever. They are
great guys, give them
your continued support
in the future. Of
course I want you
to thank you all for
visiting the site,
without you there
really wouldn't be
any point in any of
this - thanks guys.
won't completely disappear
you will still see
me around the forum
and from time to time
I'll get someone else
to upload a feature
or two I've managed
to put together (hopefully).
In any case I'll be
back - Sunday 17th
December 2000.
goodbye, good luck
and don't go see Scary
Movie please!