Edward Webb's homepage


While creating websites, I also test new features of CSS and other languages. Here are a few of the tests I have done over the last couple of years...


In 2004, I first experimented with CSS, and created a copy of the ADSLguide website. This originally took me several days to learn how to position content, which now takes me a matter of hours.
Slashdot Redesign
This is an unfinished entry to the Slashdot Redesign contest. I couldn't complete it in the timeframe, because of the complexity of the site, but I think this still has potential for other uses.
Vader's website - GIF transparency
Vader is a fan of the Worms series of games, and he created the design for the site. I helped him to convert his website to CSS, and made a version where the content flows underneath the waves.


Box Hover
This is an attempt to do complex hovering using several boxes, with the number changing depending on the position of the mouse.


Animated PNG using Javascript
Using a PNG with alpha transparency and Javascript, I was able to make a simple animation, which with the advent of Internet Explorer 7, could come into its own.