Edward Webb's homepage


Hello there! I'm Edward Webb, 23, a freelance web designer, and welcome to the site. I have a large interest in games, computers and doing new things, and am currently working on completing this site.

You can use the menu above to find out more about me, and you can view the websites I've been working on recently here:

Wormsmart (1999-2001)
Originally a website for the Worms Armageddon game editor, The Fiddler, the site expanded to bring all kinds of news about Worms and hosted many files.
Deal or no deal
A website for the UK version of the show, which I'm a big fan of. The site is currently used to host spreadsheets and statistics about the game, and new content is on the way.

You can also view my photos on Flickr and Zooomr.

If you want to talk about the site, about Worms or DoND, e-mail me.